Thursday, November 28, 2019

The E-Commerce Environment Of Singapore Essays - Republics

The E-Commerce Environment Of Singapore Geography The Republic of Singapore is located in southeast Asia, south of Malaysia and northwest of Indonesia. The island measures a total of 637 square kilometers with a coastline 193 kilometers long. Singapore is generally comprised of lowland areas with a central plateau in the middle of the island. Its elevation ranges from the Bukit Timah, (166 m.), to the Singapore Strait which is at sea level. Its climate is tropical and wet. Precipitation occurs on 40% of all days, (70% of days in April). Singapore's two biggest natural recourses are its fishing industry, and its deep water ports. Singapore is also a focal point for most Southeast Asian sea routes. History Singapore was originally settled by Great Britain in 1819 as a port of call. The British used Singapore to extend their territories in Indonesia. It remained under British rule until 1941 when Japan bombed and captured Singapore. After three years of Japanese rule, British forces returned to the island. By this time Singapore was longing for self-government. Singapore realized its need for independence in 1959 holding its first general election. The new, independent Singapore was voted into the United Nations in 1965. On December 22, 1965, Singapore became a republic electing Yusof bin Ishak as its first president. Infrastructure In Singapore's short life as a republic, it has developed a sound infrastructure. In the way of transportation, Singapore has a total of 105 kilometers of railways used for commercial and personal transportation. It has also built over 3,000 kilometers of highways, 2,936 of which are paved. Singapore also boasts a 67 kilometer mass transit system with 42 stations. The mass transit system is the preferred means of travel in Singapore due to the fact that only one of every ten people own an automobile. Singapore produces 28 billion kilowatts of electricity annually. One hundred percent of Singapore's electricity is produced by means of fossil fuel. An estimated 97% of all residents live in households with electricity and running water. Singapore's leading industries include: electronics, petroleum refining, oil drilling equipment, rubber products and rubber processing, processed food and beverages, ship repair, entrepot trade, biotechnology, and financial services. Technological Infrastructure for E-commerce Singapore has a business environment that is conducive to the support of the E-commerce environment. The E-commerce environment consists of the physical internet network, components, and internet services. The environment also includes a collection of supports and incentives to assist and promote the on-line community. Internet Awareness and Usage Approximately Ninety-two percent of adults aged 18 to 55 years old are aware of the Internet. About one third (32%) of the total population have used the internet. This gives Singapore roughly 667,000 adult internet users. However, only 13% of internet users have ever made online purchases. When surveyed only 21% of internet users were aware that these services existed. The bulk of the population uses the internet primarily for information searches and electronic mail (38% and 30% respectively) Infrastructure Services In order to develop, E-businesses need an operating environment including network services, payment services, and trust systems. The information technology industry in Singapore has been working with the government to develop online payment systems, security systems, directory services, and other E-commerce services essential to a developing online industry. Connectivity Singapore has a 45 Mbps (Megabytes per second) direct connection the US Internet system. The Singapore Telecom Internet Exchange (STIX) is an Asian-Pacific Rim internet hub connecting 15 countries with sub-marine fiber optic cables. The STIX boasts a 34 Mbps connection and provides high-speed, quality internet service to corporate users and internet service providers. Other service providers such as Pacific internet and Cyberway provide a high bandwidth connection to Japan and direct most of the regional internet traffic. Laws and Regulations Pro-business and E-business regulations are vital to the growth of E-commerce. The government of Singapore has committed itself to creating an on-line environment of certainty, predictability, and trust so internet companies feel secure in conducting online business. In 1997 the Evidence Act was amended to include electronic records as admissible evidence in courts. In July of 1998 the ETA (Electronic Transactions Act) was created. The ETA provides a legal foundation for collecting electronic signatures. This provides certainty and validity to contracts formed on-line. Singapore's government has also taken steps

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Psychology In Lord Of The Flies Essays - English-language Films

Psychology In Lord Of The Flies Essays - English-language Films Psychology in Lord of the Flies In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, a group of schoolboys become stranded on an island. The novel describes how most of the boys change from civilized to immoral behavior. There are no adults on this island to enforce rules and laws. As the boys loose touch with the standards of old they start to enjoy the island more and more. Eventually they are completely free of the civilized ways they were taught. When Simon came with news about the beast the others were dancing around a fire chanting, "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" They turned on him, beating him to death. They had, in fact, become the beast themselves. Like animals they had lost the feelings of compassion and remorse. The book is a psychological study of the influence of the group on the behavior of individuals. Upon arriving on the island the boys search for the necessities to stay alive. As in the psychologist Abraham Maslow's theory of human needs each step must be satisfied before you go to the next stage. The island provided plenty of food and water, satisfying their basic needs of stage one. The stranded schoolboys tried to find security by finding a way to make fire. Gradually they began to develop some rules and leaders. At an assembly only the person holding the conch could speak. As their physical needs had been fulfilled they began to form groups. According to the theory this is stage three when people want to be a part of a group and to be loved. At that point they chose to be a part of Jack's hunters or Ralph's boys. In the final stage a person learns to undertand himself and respect the rights of others. Jack was the leader of the choir and kept them obedient to his command. In Carl Jung's theories Jack is in touch with his shadow, which are the animal instincts of man. Jack put the boys in touch with their evil side. He manipulated the boys of his group with fear of the beast so that he could gain power. He convinced them that he was the one that could protect them from the beast. Jack was even willing to kill to keep his power. Piggy was the scapegoat on the island. At most times he was excluded by most of the boys. He seemed like the odd man out who wanted order and rules on the island. Piggy was an important figure because of his glasses. His glasses were needed to make fire. Fire was very useful on the island. Although important he was put down by the boys because he didn't fit in. The boys were rebellious to him because he acted like a parent. He told them what they should do but didn't have the authority to make them follow through on their jobs. Ralph was the responsible leader. He wanted to bring rules and order to the island. He lived by self respect and the respect for others; stage four of Maslow's theory. Ralph was logical in his decision making but the boys rebelled against him because of his orderly job related ideas on running the island. He wanted to keep the fire going and stay concerned about getting rescued. He set up systems for the work that needed to be done. By the end the boys had become war-like beasts trying to hunt down Ralph. Their society was in a state of war. They followed Jack's orders without any question. Is it possible that William Golding used this story to explain the psychology of what happened in Nazi Germany? The author was an officer in the Royal Navy in World War II. What happens on the island is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany. One person develops a dictatorship and exercises unlimited power. Ordinary people in Germany followed Hitler and lost their willingness to act responsibly as individuals. They were manipulated by fear and symbols just as Jack used the pig's head as his symbol. In this way the moral code of a whole society broke down. It shows that there is little separation between man and beast.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

DNA and the Human Genome Project essays

DNA and the Human Genome Project essays What is the Human Genome Project? To understand the HGP one must know what a genome is. A genome is all the DNA in an organism including its genes. The genes carry information for making all the proteins needed by all organisms. The proteins establish what the organisms look like, how it fights infection, and how the organisms behave. This is a project with a 13-year effort that was begun in October 1990. This project has been planned to last 15 years, but because of all the technological advances, the expected completion date is now 2003. this project has five main goals to base the research upon. One is to distinguish all the approximate 100,000 genes in human DNA. Two is to be able to establish the sequences of the 3 billion chemical bases that make up the human DNA. They are also going to use this information and store it in databases as a third goal. The fourth goal is to create tools for data analysis. As a fifth and final goal, they are going to direct specific time to the eth ical, legal, social issues that may be brought up by this project. The most important goal of the HGP is to obtain the DNA sequences of 3 billion DNA subunits present in the human DNA. The US HGP is lead by Ari Patrinos, which is head of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research. The progress toward HGP sequencing goals is 47% of 3 billion DNA base pairs. The working draft sequence goal is going to be 90% by the summer of 2000. The finished high-quality sequence is expected to be 100% by the year 2003. There are many laboratories around the US Receiving funding from either the Department of Energy or the National Institute of Health and sometimes both. The most funding for research is at numerous colleges, universities 33 in all, and laboratories. At certain times the Department of Energy funds about 200 separate principal investigators for the research provided for the HGP. The major HGP investigators are laboratories and 6 universities. The ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Visas de turista, trabajo y estudio solo para mexicanos

Visas de turista, trabajo y estudio solo para mexicanos Obviamente, los  mexicanos pueden obtener todas las visas americanas disponibles para todo e mundo. Adems, tienen visas disponibles solo para esos nacionales para visitar, trabajar y estudiar. Todas esas ventajas afectan a visas no inmigrantes. Por el contrario, en las visas de inmigrantes para obtener la green card los mexicanos resultan perjudicados. En este artà ­culo se explican por un lado, los  caminos abiertos a mexicanos con  ms facilidades y, por otro,  tambià ©n los caminos cerrados. Visas de turista para los mexicanos Los mexicanos pueden obtener las visas de turista y de negocios conocidas como B1/B2 que aplican a todos los extranjeros. Pero adems, si viven en la zona fronteriza con Estados Unidos, pueden solicitar si asà ­ lo prefieren una visa lser  que tambià ©n se conoce como tarjeta de cruce. Hay que tener claro que las lser son muy cà ³modas para cruzar la frontera de una manera rpida. Pero tienen importantes limitaciones que las distinguen de las visa que se sellan en el pasaporte. Por ejemplo, con una visa lser la estancia en Estados Unidos no puede ser superior a 30 dà ­as. Adems, est limitada la entrada a 25 millas a contar desde la frontera. Con la excepcià ³n de ciertos puertos fronterizos como Nogales o Douglas que permiten internarse en el interior de EEUU hasta 75 millas. Adems, es muy importante saber que sà ³lo se pueden utilizar en puestos aduaneros terrestres. No sirven para viajar a Estados Unidos por barco o avià ³n. Por à ºltimo, estas visas tambià ©n las pueden solicitar los extranjeros que residen legalmente en Mà ©xico y tienen su domicilio en la zona fronteriza. Visas de trabajo para mexicanos Adems de las visas de trabajo disponibles para todos los extranjeros, existen visados que sà ³lo aplican a los mexicanos o a un grupo limitado de nacionales de ciertos paà ­ses entre los que se encuentra Mà ©xico. Los profesionales pueden acceder a una visa TN, creada al amparo del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamà ©rica (NAFTA). Tienen una tramitacià ³n especial y pueden beneficiar a un amplio abanico de profesiones que se encuentran listadas en Apà ©ndice 1603.D.1 y que son estas 60. Para poder solicitarla, es preciso tener una oferta de trabajo a tiempo completo o parcial. Est expresamente prohibido el autoempleo. Adems, existen visas no inmigrantes para trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos a las que pueden acceder los nacionales de ciertos paà ­ses, entre ellos los mexicanos, que de hecho son la nacionalidad con ms visas aprobadas en las categorà ­as H-2A y H2-B. Por ejemplo, las H-2B  sirven  trabajar en una gran variedad de empleos, muchos de ellos en el sector turà ­stico y que no requieren de estudios superiores. Para esta categorà ­a se pueden ofertar un mximo de 66.000 mil visas por aà ±o fiscal. Generalmente se conceden por un aà ±o, pudià ©ndose extender hasta un mximo de tres. Adems, estn las H-2A para trabajar en el sector de la agricultura. El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de una persona a la que se le dà © esta visa pueden viajar con à ©l o con ella a Estados Unidos, si bien tienen prohibido trabajar mientras dure su estancia. Pero lo hijos podrn estudiar en las escuelas americanas. Este es un listado de ms de 60 reclutadores mexicanos de trabajadores temporeros para trabajar en Estados Unidos. Diferentes a las visas de trabajo son las de inversià ³n, pero permiten trabajar en la empresa que se crea. Los mexicanos pueden acceder a las E-1 para empresas de import/export y a las E-2, donde hay que tener claro desde el principio cà ³mo entender el monto de capital que se debe invertir.   Las visas de inversià ³n E-1 y E-2 pueden ser disfrutadas, adems, por ciudadanos de otros paà ­ses, pero no de todos. Visas para estudiar en Estados Unidos Adems de las tà ­picas F-1 y M-1, los mexicanos y los canadienses que viven a lo largo de sus respectivas fronteras con Estados Unidos pueden estudiar en este paà ­s con una visa F-3. Esas visas son atractivas pero tambià ©n tienen inconvenientes, como por ejemplo que sà ³lo se pueden utilizar para estudiar en escuelas y universidades que estn a un mximo de 75 millas de la frontera. Cà ³mo acelerar el paso por el control migratorio de Estados Unidos Los mexicanos pueden formar parte de programas que permiten un pase ms rpido por el control de las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n de los Estados Unidos.   Para las fronteras terrestres y marà ­timas, se puede utilizar SENTRI, mientras que para ingresar a USA por un aeropuerto el programa correcto es Global Entry. Malas noticias para mexicanos En los prrafos anteriores se seà ±alaron importantes ventajas para mexicanos. Sin embargo, no todo son buenas noticias. Y es que la alta tasa de inmigracià ³n mexicana en los Estados Unidos provoca que en algunas categorà ­as migratorias debe esperar ms aà ±os para emigrar o, simplemente, algunos caminos les està ©n prohibidos. Por ejemplo, los mexicanos, junto con los indios, chinos y filipinos deben esperar ms aà ±os que el resto de nacionalidades en ciertas peticiones de familia, como por ejemplo las peticiones de ciudadano para hermanos o hijos casados o hijos mayores de 21 aà ±os. Asimismo, no pueden participar en la loterà ­a de visas de la diversidad, que permite obtener la green card a los ganadores de un sorteo. Este es un artà ­culo legal, es meramente informativo.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Operation Anaconda 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Operation Anaconda 2 - Essay Example The unique geographical setting of The Gardez-Khost -Shahi-Kot areas in Afghanistan, which consist of harsh climate and high altitude, fostered the growth of Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants. So, the research and task collection conducted by various intelligence organizations under the direct control of United States Army Special Forces and Joint Special Operations Command proved much important to the Operation Anaconda. Several intelligence agencies like Central intelligence agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) played significant role in different levels of the operation. For instance, CIA paramilitary forces participated in the mission among special operation forces. Other agencies are: Bureau of intelligence and research, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Imagery Intelligence, National Reconnaissance Office, National Geospatial-Intelligence, signal intelligence, Human Intelligence, (HUMINT) and SOF military Reconnaissance. The Special reconnaissance (SR), controll ed by small division of well qualified military workforce played the crucial role in research and task collection stages. So, one can see that the research and task collection conducted by various intelligence organizations in the Gardez-Khost Shahi-Kot areas prove the strengths and limitations of various intelligence organizations in critical situations. Human intelligence (HUMINT) is the oldest method of intelligence service which collects information from human source. The most important and famous intelligence department in the united state is the CIA. During Operation Anaconda, The combined joined task force mountain’s intelligence wing relied upon human intelligence. But in Gardez-Khost -Shahi-Kot areas, the human intelligence personal failed to recognize the exact number of militants and their strength. The Signals intelligence (SIGINT) provided information on presence of Taliban leaders

Learning Plan 3 Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Learning Plan 3 Assessment - Essay Example Let’s say you are considering the purchase of a new car and you want to see how the interest rate impacts your monthly payment. The car is priced at $ 20,000, you want to finance it for five years (60 months), and the dealer is making an initial offer to you at a rate of 6% while your bank will loan you the money for 4.7%. Then, as you negotiate your deal with the car sales manager, you discover that the manufacturer is offering a rate of 2.2% if you buy the car in the next three days. As demonstrated in the chart below, the interest rate impacts the amount of money you will pay each month: The row labeled interest rate is the value that is changed in Goal seek. After setting the formula to calculate monthly payments for the parameters described above, simply click on Tools, Goal Seek. Excel will provide a pop-up window to allow you to determine which field is to be affected by your what-if scenario. In the â€Å"set cell† field, simply click on the cell that has the payment amount in it. Skip over the â€Å"To value† section and click in the â€Å"By changing cell.† At that point, click on the cell that has the interest rate variable and click â€Å"okay.† You will then be able to change the interest rate and, each time you do so, the payment will change to show you the payment associated with the altered interest rate. In the table above, the three possible interest rates offered by the dealership, bank, and manufacturer are shown, and the corresponding payments indicate the difference the rates make. It is intuitive that the lower the int erest rate the lower the payment, but the Goal Seek tool allows you to see that there is a difference of over $ 30.00 per month between the rates offered. This is just a simple example of what Goal Seek can do, and the models used by most business analysts are much more complicated than the one shown here. The advantage of Goal Seek is that it allows the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Security Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Security Systems - Essay Example A Firewall is effective at protecting one's computer. Firewall sets limits to the allowable access point of users and it restricts the users from entering those sites that are suspected to be harmful. It also blocks malicious sites from opening up; this is done to ensure that the threats are unable to enter into one's computer system. Another type of security system is the virus protection software. In installing this type of software it is important to constantly update its features, most importantly the current virus definition as it tends to change from time to time (Reardon, 2001). Actually, there are a lot of anti-virus products offered online but before one would opt to purchase it, factors like the source or the company offering it as well as the over-all product features must be taken into consideration. Upon using technological gadgets like computers, it is always vital to take the necessary precautions. Installing an antivirus software or turning on the firewall does not ta ke a lot of energy, it only requires a person to click the button of a mouse. By doing this one is guaranteed of protection.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Definitions of Evaluation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definitions of Evaluation - Coursework Example nt and development of the best workforce that will, in turn, enable both the employees and the organizations to efficiently accomplish their set goals. The opportunities that an organization’s HRD provides to its employees can be in or beyond their workplaces. The HRD could be formal as in the training programs that are offered within learning institutions (Heathfield, 2012). Alternatively, it could also be informal where managers within an organization are responsible for coaching their employees on various aspects concerning their organizations. HRD has also been defined as the departments that are found within organizations that have been charged with the duty of organizing their employees and reporting on their working relationships. This is done while ensuring the behavior best conforms to their organizational goals. A department of human resource that is forward thinking has been described as one that is concerned with the provision of effective policies, guidelines and procedures that are friendly. This department is responsible for ensuring that an organization’s mission and values along with visions that enable the company to focus on success are usually optimized. The department is generally responsible for compensating, ensuring safety, anddeveloping the human resources within an organization (Heathfield, 2012). Evaluation, on the other hand, has been defined as involving the activities assessing or judging the worth of some work that has been done within an organization or a service provision institution. The major purpose of carrying out the evaluation process is that it helps an organization in reflecting on what it intends to achieve in the course of its operations and assessing its success rate in the achievement of their set goals. It additionally helps in the identification of the required changes within the organization to ensure the set goals are achieved within the budget and cost constraints that have been set (Tufo, 2002). Evaluating a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Summary and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary and analysis - Essay Example Even if they are to be refunded the amount when they are tested negative, still the pain of the expenses would be badly felt by the applicant as they are there in the first place asking for help because they need money to spend for their basic needs and not on some tests that require them precious time and nickels. The reason why this is being taken into consideration is that because it is not only in welfare application that drug tests are being required but in similar situations as well like the job training programs. On another note, the author also considers the fact that there are taxpayers arguing that every penny they pay should be used to help other people for their necessities and not drug dependence, he supports his argument by what statistics say about certain groups. For instance, he notes that if drug testing the welfare applicants were used as a checking tool for drug users, it has been documented that there is no significant difference between the number of drug users among welfare applicants and non-applicants. In fact, another study he mentioned supports that seventy percent of illegal drug users are from the employed group (Cohen). This means that those who really are seeking the government’s help are not the unemployed as it is implied by the policy on drug test implies. Getting back with the argument of taxpayers supporting the expenses of drug users, it is true that they may have all the right to make sure that the money they sweated for is used for good purposes and not for the vices of abusive citizens, it has to be considered also that drug testing applicants is not the answer to checking drug use. On the part of the government, there could be large amounts of money to be saved from not paying applicants who will test positive in their drug tests and this is one argument the author is trying to dig in the article. Considering

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Franklin Roosevelts New Deal policies Essay Example for Free

Franklin Roosevelts New Deal policies Essay Franklin Roosevelts New Deal benefited the lives of most farmers in many different and powerful ways. The combination of the alphabet soup acts and the long lasting effects that they produced transformed the modern individual farmer of the late 1920s and the entire 1930s from the down and out, could barely survive Okie farmer, as depicted in John Steinbecks Grapes of Wrath, to a more uniform, government backed, stable farmer that still exists today. Many reasons as to why agricultural recovery and reform were put at such high priority have been suggested. In particular, there are two very compelling and logical reasons. One, farmers were the most in need as dust bowls were hovering over towns like the second coming of Jesus and droughts, especially in the south west, were becoming more devastatingly common. The second reason is that many believed that agriculture was the root of the United States economy. The idea being that the agricultural depression from the droughts and windstorms led to bank closures, business losses, increased unemployment, and other physical and emotional problems. As Franklin Roosevelt once said, if the farm population suffers, the people in the cites in every part of the country suffer with it. With the same thought of mind, the Democratic party believed, and Roosevelt emphasized through his fire-side chats that true prosperity would not return until farming was prosperous. So with this popular sense of importance and urgency spread from poor, rural, farm areas to the political capital of Washington, Congress expediently passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act on May 12, 1933. With this new law, which many critics deemed fascist, the government created enforced limits to how much of a certain crop a farmer could produce, and in many cases, even had farmers burn crops and slaughter livestock to waste. These new actions greatly benefited farmers economically as with every head of livestock and every bushel of crop wasted, farmers would receive subsidies from the government. These actions quickly solved the nations problem of crop surplus and propelled the price farmers had to charge for their goods from dangerously low to reasonable profitable. Of course, this led the consumers to suffer, and the US Supreme Court to raise an eyebrow. In the case of US vs. Butler, the court deemed the AAA unconstitutional because its processing of taxes went against the 10th Amendment. Later, a second AAA was created  that relied on more general government taxes, and though renamed the Production and Marketing Administration, it still exists to this day. Secondly, the direct effects of the AAA and the indirect effects of the WPA, CCC, TVA, and most notoriously, the SSA, should be evaluated and considered along with WW2 as the means to which farmers escaped the depression. As they lined up to receive their AAA benefit checks, many were also enjoying the switch from kerosene to electricity for the first time thanks to the Tennessee Valley Authority. Furthermore, other close-to-home projects were being erected such as public schools and public housing due to the Civilian Conservation Corps. In fact, the only ones who werent powerfully effected by Roosevelts response to Black Tuesday were farmers who worked on margin, and who were also mostly black. Only 182,018 Negroes owned and operated farms and 700,911 were tenants. Tenants gained no government subsidies and never gained any real power or prosperity in their lives because they owned no actual land. Only the less than two sevenths of black farmers received immediate relief, and because most blacks were still farmers prior to the Great Migrations to the cites of Chicago and elsewhere, which actually didnt end until the 1960s, many blacks overall were looked over as a minority as was the case in many situations until the Civil Rights movement of coincidently, the 1960s. Part of the reason that ,overall, the effects of the New Deal for farmers were so substantial is because they were so willing to cooperate. As one civilian of the time, Leroy Hankel, remembers, most of them went [into the program]. There was just a few that wouldnt have anything to do with it. But, the majority of people, they all went into the program Those that didnt were the ones that feared a Roosevelt Executive Dictatorship and believed that Americas original idea of democracy was being conformed to something more similar to Mussolinis fascist principles. These critics concerns did hold merit as many of the ideas proposed by Roosevelts New Deal, particularly Social Security, do rely on complete government control which is exactly what a good proportion of the public feared during the Red Scare. Because of this fear, the kiss of death was laid on many of Roosevelts plans, both from the left and the right. Roosevelt knew that a  few in high power would not be willing to travel on his new and untrod path , but something bold had to be done as a means to save agriculture. In conclusion, farmers were rescued from the laissez faire attitude of Herbert Hoover by the can do, will do attitude of Franklin Roosevelt and his unprecedented New Deal promise to farmers and alike. The key distinction between Hoover and Roosevelt is that while both, in their adult life, were prestigious aristocrats, Roosevelt had a deep sense of understanding and compassion for the average blue-collar farmer. Stories like from Claude V. Dunnagan, that all sound very familiar of how the lawyers sold our farm and we had to move out illustrate the vastness of how much white-collar greed and deception was running wild. Obviously, relief, recovery, and reform movements were necessary and the only things short of a great war that could end the economic fear and greed that was suffocating 95 percent of the American populations, most painstakingly: farmers. Even though they never did reach back to the days of the Calvin Coolidge prosperity, without the New Deal, family farms would have be come a thing of mythology and Hoovervilles would have become just another element of everyday reality.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Situation Analysis For The Nestle Corporation Marketing Essay

Situation Analysis For The Nestle Corporation Marketing Essay In this report itll help to understand the concept and process of marketing, how to use the segmentation, targeting and positioning and understand the individual elements of the extended marketing mix and how to use marketing mix in different contexts. In learning outcome 01, were introducing a new product to the market. In that student is expected to understand and apply marketing planning process to launch the new product. And in this task student must do a presentation to launch the new product to the market. In learning outcome 02, student must do a situation analysis for the organization selected and select target market for the new product and propose a positioning strategy for the new product. In learning outcome 03 students is able to design and recommend the appropriate marketing mix for the new product and in that student is able to design product features, pricing the product, and explain the channels of distributing for the new product. And finally in learning outcome 04 students must discuss the alternative segments to the product and suggest possible market growth options t o the new product. Introduction This report is about the concepts and principles in marketing process. We can use this marketing concepts and principles to introduce a new product to the market. By introducing a new product to the market, organization is able to using the planning process to launch th new product. In this report Nestle Corporation is introducing a new healthy milk powder to the market and they were doing situation analysis to the organization and positioning strategy to the product. Nestle corporation is design good product features, brand name, new distributing ways and pricing the product. Finally they doing some market growth to the product using Ansoffs Matrix. By reading this report reader can have a clear knowledge about marketing concepts and how to use these concepts to a new product. L01 Launching New Product To The Market. L02 Situation Analysis For the Nestle Corporation Marketing Environment The marketing environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization. Internal Environment The Micro Environment The Macro Environment. The Micro Environment Competitors Employees Pressure groups Intermediaries Micro Environment Local residence Customers Financiers Suppliers Owners The Macro Environment SWOT Analysis (, 2012) Strengths:- Brand strengths Nestle has very strong brand name and its easy to distribute among the customers. Production innovation The Company has been continuously introducing new products to the market. Research and Development Nestle has worldwide networks of centers 17 locations in four continents. An international staff of 3500 engaged in search for innovative new products and remotivate exist ones. Market Share High level of market share and that people all over the world trust and recognize Nestle as a big brand name. Low Cost They are low cost operators which allow them to not only to beat competition but also edging ahead operating excellence, innovation, renovation, product availability and communication is major strengths. Weakness:- Mature market One major weakness in Nestle is that it is entering into markets that are already major and can give a tough competition to new entrance. Exports Supply Chain The Company has a complex supply chain management. Opportunities:- Expansion potential to expand smaller towns and other smaller geographies, which is parents are famed for like breakfast cereals, smarties chocolates, carnation, etc. Product offering the company has the option to expand its product folio by introducing more products. Global hub since manufacturing some products is cheaper in ASIA than in any other continent. Threats:- Competition Competition from the organized and unorganized sectors. Changing consumer trends increase consumer spending on consumer durable resulting in lower spending on FMCG products. ( fast moving consumer goods ). International marketing standards Sectoral woes rising prices of raw material and fuels and increasing packaging and manufacturing costs. PEST Analysis for Nestle Corporation It is very important that an organization consider its environment before beginning the marketing process. Political Environment:- Nestle is a good political partner in politics. They were donating money for the president candidates in presidential election. Nestle corporation support many programmers and projects essential services and social services. Ex: supporting the tackling the world water crisis project. The government increasing the prices of essential goods and itll affect to the organization and the new product. By the time government change and the policies also get changed, itll affect to the customers behavior and to the company also. Economic environment:- Nestle corporation is a strong brand among the consumers and having a good business cycle in the market. Increasing of interest rate will affect to the customer behavior and itll affect to the company. Income distribution affect to the organization because when income distribution doesnt happened equally customer behavior get changed. The crisis of the world economic prices affect to the country and itll affect to the customers and to the organization. The plentiful in Social Environment:- Family background and their culture will cause to their behavior in buying products, and itll cause to the organization. Customers education level also affect to the organization, because if they dont understand about the product well, they never going to buy it. Customers beliefs, culture, and religion will cause to what they going to buy? Because it get changed customer by customer. The trend of the society will affect on customers behavior, and itll affect to the organization. Technology Environment:- Organization can incorporate the latest technology to their operations. Organization architecture and design has been the evolution of the information technology. The use of technology can build good relationship with suppliers and customers. Technology will cause to increase of the organization and they can improve their sales. Segmentation Criteria Market segmentation is the division of a market into different homogenous groups of customers. Market segmentation is depending on the specific characteristics of the product. These criteria can be divided by such as age and gender, or other distinction such as location and income. Segmenting Consumer Market for Nestle For the newly introduced Strawberry Flavor Sustagen in Nestle corporation, our company using the demographic criteria for the segmentation. Demographic segmentation consist of dividing the market into groups based on such as age, gender, family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. In here Nestle corporation use age, gender and income as the demographic criterias for the Strawberry Flavor Sustagen. This product is a low-fat milk powder. Our company targeting the young adults and adults as the target market for the Strawberry Flavor Sustagen, because young adults and adults are using Sustagen mostly in the market and this product is a low-fat milk powder. Strawberry Flavor Sustagen can use both males and females. And Nestle Corporation targeting the consumers below 8000 income, because this product will not highly cost. In this case many customers will attract to this new innovative Strawberry Flavor Sustagen. Positioning Strategy Positioning is a concept in marketing which firstly introduced by Jack Trout. A company, a product or a brand must have positioning concept in order to survive in the market. If you dont position your business your competitor will not let you to survive in the Market. Nestlà © Corporation is chosen the Product Positioning as the Positioning Strategy for the New Strawberry Flavor Sustagen. In the market, there is various kind of healthy milk powder brands that compete with the Strawberry Flavor Sustagen, but nestle will survive as always in the market because Nestle is a good, strong brand name in the market. In this newly introduce product therere various dimensions. This Sustagen is highly possessed of good qualities and its really good for the health and itll helpful for reduce the fat. Most of diabetics patients are young adults and adults, because of that we target the young adults and the adults to the new product. Nestle corporation is going to introduce this product to the supermarkets and were give a free chance to our customers to have an experience with our newly introduced product. By this we can attract more customers to our product. Our company going to introduce this new product to the people in rural area also. Because theres plenty of people in rural areas that have the capability to buy this kind of a product. L03 Design and Recommend the Marketing Mix What is a product? Product is anything that is capable for satisfying customer needs. Features are characteristics of a product that offer benefits to the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Product Features and Developing the Brand Name Nestle Corporation introduced The Strawberry Flavor Sustagen is not like normal old type of Sustagen. Its fully tasted with strawberry flavor and extra with mint. Sustagen is a world famous milk powder, which has customers all around the world. People all around the world know about the Sustagen and they tasted Sustagen. as a product its really easy to develop because it has a strong brand name. Nestle Corporation introduced this Strawberry Flavor Sustagen is the new member in Sustagen family and Its tasted with strawberry and mint. And nestle corporation is expect to attract many customers to this New Strawberry Flavor Sustagen. Nestle Corporation is developing the new product features to attract more customers to the product. Strawberry Sustagen is a healthy milk powder that helps to keep our body healthy and get nutrition for the day. In this product it includes vitamins that we need to our body for been healthy and keeps nutrition and alternative medicines. Its fully tasted with strawberry flavor. Nestle corporation is decided to include more taste of milk and mint flavor to give a good taste to the customers. And also this product has attractive color that everyone like and with a nice mint smell. Distribute the New Product to the Market When an organization going to introduce a new product to the market, they must know how to distribute the new product to customers. And most important thing is organization must know how to hold the product in customers hand. As the distribution concepts, Nestle Corporation is using Consumer Market concept. First of all our marketing team is planning to distribute this product to Supermarkets in municipal and rural areas. Because middle level customers are coming to supermarkets. Our target market is middle level class customers. As municipal areas, there are some middle level class customers in rural areas that can buy these types of products. So our company chooses supermarkets to launch our new products and distribute through the supermarkets. Pricing the New Product Price is the amount of money or goods for which a thing is bought or sold. The way you set the price to your product, will help to stay in the market or itll cause to leave the market. For a pricing method for our new product, Nestle Corporation choose the customer-based pricing. There are two factors that affecting for pricing decisions. They are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors Rs, Market share 100 Maximum profit 150 Marketing strategy 80 Costs 90 External factors Customer and channel Partner expectation 70 Competitive and Related products 90 Government Regulation 20 Final price Rs, 600 This is the best price that our company can charge from the customers, because if our company charge high cost itll cost to have a production lost in the market. So this our company guessed this price is fair and attractive. Nestle Corporation expecting that this product will attract many customers. Promote the new product Nestle Corporation is expecting to launch our new product to the supermarkets and distribute through them to the customers. Before that our company is going to promote this new product to customers well. For that our company chooses new promotion tips. Our first aim is give the main idea to customers that this new product is strawberry flavor and its good for the health. Targeting that first our company is going to made-up a curiosity in customers mind. For that, our company creates a strawberry arch in the entrance to the supermarkets, and when customers come inside to the supermarket, in the front some people with strawberry dresses to give the main idea to customers. After that we give some leaflets to customers by introducing the new product and our marketing team is ready to inform about the product and its benefits. Finally were going to give a chance to our customers to taste our new product. Were 100% sure that our customers will like our new Strawberry Favor Sustagen and the yll surely use this for their day today life. L04 Market Development ( After our new product enters to the market we must know how to keep our sales in a good level and how to develop the product in the market. Nestle Corporation is using the Ansoffs matrix as the market growth option to develop the product. The Ansoffs Growth Matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and market growth strategy. Ansoffs market/product growth matrix suggest that a business attempts to grow depend on whether it markets new or existing products in new or existing market. The output from the Ansoffs matrix a series of suggested growth strategies that set the direction for the business strategy. Market penetration. Market development. Product development. Diversification. Our corporation suggests Market Penetration and Marker Development as market growth options for the new product. Market Penetration is a name given to a growth strategy where the businesses focus on selling existing products into existing market. Market penetration is to achieve another four more objectives. Maintain or increase the market share of current product. Secure dominance of growth market. Restructure a mature market by driving out competitors. Increase usage by existing customers. Market Development is the name given to a growth strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing products into new markets. There are many ways to use this strategy. New geographical markets. New distributing channels. New product dimension or packaging. Different pricing policies for attracts new customers or new markets. Using Ansoffs Matrix our company is going to do some changes in our new product. Our company is hoping to increase the market by selling our new products in the rural areas in the country. Nestle corporation is going to introduce 500g Strawberry Sustagen packets to groceries in municipal and rural areas in the country. Our marketing team is hoping to maintain and develop the market share. And our team is going to do some advertising programmers to develop our product. In that were hope to 5% discount if our customers buy two Strawberry Sustagen. Nestle Corporation is going to introduce this new product in to the International Market. Our marketing team is planning to export this New Strawberry Sustagen country like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. And also were going to use new distributing channels to distribute our new product. Our team uses more agents to distribute the product in towns and by door by door. Theyre fully informed about the product and they always ready to give an instruction about the product. Conclusion In this report we can understand about the various elements of the marketing process and the benefits and costs of a marketing orientation for a selected organization. Understand the micro and macro environmental factors, segmentation criteria, targeting strategy and positioning to the new product. Also how to develop the product features, brand name and how to set a good price for the customers. How to distribute the product to the customers and promote the product to the customers. In this report can have a good knowledge of marketing mixes in different contexts. When doing this report we can have good knowledge about the market and the behavior about the market.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

1950s Movie Essay: Rebel Without A Cause -- Movies Film

1950s Movie Essay: Rebel Without A Cause Introduction Rebel Without A Cause is a very popular film from 1955. It depicts life in the 1950's from the viewpoint of three teenagers who live in Los Angeles, California. They live in a comfortable environment in middle-class America. However, they must deal with their own inabilities to "fit" into society. The teens try to fit in with their peers and find the love they so desperately need from their families and others like their peers. The biases presented in the film's are based on cultural values form the 1950s. Rebel Without A Cause also compares to some of the data presented in the text Nation of Nations. The film also compares to the general view America has of the period of the 1950s. For these reasons, Rebel Without A Cause is an essential film in understanding the 1950s. Film's Cultural Values or Biases of the 1950's The film tells a tale of the restless and somewhat misunderstood rebellious and defiant American youth. The film highlights the conformance of 1950s America, through the eyes of the main character, who faces a new school environment and unsporting or ‘loving' parents. Though the film could be seen as bias, by portraying all 1950s youths as rebellious and engaging in "chickie runs" and knife fights, who would rather go against the grain of society, the film instead uses this bias to portray more of the internal seeking of youthful acceptance and love that all teens of this period were seeking, through rebelliousness and acts of promiscuity. This film has achieved cult status through the years as was the springboard for other 1950s movies trying to portray the same exploitation of teenage rebellion and delinquency. Perhaps what makes this film of ... ...tion of the teens who were fighting so hard to buck the system and break into their own independence. By the mid-50's, teens were becoming more rebellious, listening to Elvis Presley's music, and wearing clothing that had not been previously acceptable fashion. Prior to the 1950's, children were to be seen and not heard. This movie epitomized the struggle of the younger crowd in the 1950's -- they fought to break free, stand tall, and make an impact on the world around them, regardless of how tough that would be for them. It is important for us to remember that the 1950's were above all, a time of change. Everyone adjusted to those changes differently, but the younger population faced an evolving world that was at times scary and intimidating, as well as exciting and captivating. Learning to balance the changes with the things that stayed the same was the true battle.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fostering Creativity Essay -- Marketing, Innovation

The subject of score one for creativity or idea in the organization or workplace, in varied tactics or approaches, is gaining recognition as a critical part in assisting businesses to achieve better returns or profits and keeping employees satisfied; leaders and management increasingly realize creativity as the groundwork of competition in business (Gardner, 2007). In order to survive and succeed in this highly competitive market, creativity is not only the necessity requirement in the 21st century for business enterprises or institutions, and it is also the prerequisite for individuals and employees (Florida, 2010). In the following sections, this study will analyze and focus on the issues: The attributes that foster creativity and the elements or aspects that consider stifling creativity in 3C Inc. (3C), and how these attributes help evaluating strategic creativity and what approaches that they facilitate to create or manage creativity in the organization. Fostering creativity and 3C Inc. The subject of score one for creativity or innovation in the business or workplace, in varied tactics or approaches, is gaining recognition as a critical part in assisting organizations to achieve better returns or profits and keeping employees satisfied; leaders and management increasingly realize creativity and idea as the foundation or groundwork of competition in business (Gardner, 2007). As we are moving from an industrial economy to a creative economy, and in order to survive and succeed in this highly competitive market, creativity is not only the n foremost requirement in the 21st century for nations and business enterprises or institutions, and it is also the prerequisite for individuals and employee... ...). Lastly, as people argue that business in 3C needs to maintain focus, and the proposal of market potential appears rather small relative to the size of the current business; management and leaders must explain and remind them that many ideas first appeal unimportant or undersized functions, but they may develop and become bigger as the technology progresses, and users may find new uses for them (Harvard). As an open-innovation company, 3C leaders and managers must not suppress creativity or undermine and weaken it, they must keep away from the attributes that stifle creativity in the organization. The figure one below illustrates that (1) creative-thinking skills are one element of creativity and innovation, but that (2) expertise or knowledge and skills, and (3) motivation or inspiration are also vital and indispensable (Serrat, 2009; Harvard, 2003).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Underclassman Advice

If I could give an underclassman some advice, I would definitely give It about school, family, and relationships. As you grow up, you will soon realize how much time Is worth; also, stay out of trouble! Nobody wants to be grounded when they could be out with their friends. My first piece of advice Is to work hard In school. To be a good student, you must do your best in everything you do. Do your homework! Put all of your effort Into each and every test and assignment.No matter how young you are, you need to start y researching about the life you wish to have, and the places you want to go to be successful In your eyes. My second piece of advice Is to always love your family. I know, parents can be tough, but know that they mean well. Family Is a very Important thing In life. They are the people that will always be there, no matter what you have done. Listen to your parents. Before you know it, you will be saying goodbye to them, heading off onto a road that is unfamiliar, but they h ave to believe in you and hope that everything they have taught you will be enough.Don't let them down. My last please of advice is to not be wrapped up in your â€Å"lover† throughout high school. You dont need to rely on somebody else and then expect to be independent after you guys break up. Most relationships don't last in high school anyways, so why wait for the harsh break up? All of this advice will help you grow up and be a good student, perfect daughter/son, and live a drama free life throughout high school. A student shouldnt worry because of unneeded stress, for they should Just have fun. I hope that you will use this advice and actually get something out of it. Just be mature and do your best.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Business Requirements at Canadian Tire Essay

The Canadian Tire Corporation (CTC) was initiated in 1922 when two brothers opened an auto parts store and garage in Toronto, Canada. From 1922 to 2003, their organization grew into a much larger network of businesses, including retail, financial services, and petroleum operations (Haggerty, 2003). There was 45,000 employees working at the various CVC businesses across Canada, and more than 1,000 stores and gas bars. As stated in the reading, CTC businesses were actually comprised into five groups including the following: Canadian Tire Retail, Canadian Tire Financial Services, Candida Tire Petroleum, PartSource, and Mark’s Work Wearhouse. Initially, this group of businesses used numerous different hardware, software, operating systems, network services, development tools, and applications. As explained in the reading, the systems at Canadian Tire Retail included POS (point-of sales) systems which were networked to the Canadian Tire Retail data center. The systems at Mark’s Work Wearhouse, on the other hand, operated differently and remained separate from the other CTC corporations. While Canadian Tire Retail ran IBM-AS/400 systems in stores, CTFS utilized IBM RS6000 with Intel-Based workstations. PartSource and Canadian Tire Petroleum’s daily transactions were relayed directly into the corporate network from their point-of-sale systems. The Canadian Tire Corporation’s IT department operated and supported over a hundred different mainframe, server, desktop development and integration tools, ten different hardware platforms, 14 operating systems, seven database management systems, and over 450 different production applications. Much of the systems were described as â€Å"niche† and â€Å"sunset† technologies indicating outdated and inefficient technology. For this reason, and others, IT spending at CTC was considerably higher than the industry standard, and this would only continue to grow. It was necessary for Canadian Tire Corporation to develop an integrated data warehouse system. There were many key individuals whose roles were essential in the shift to developing a new MODULE 2: COURSE PROJECT BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS 3 strategy for Canadian Tire Corporation. Perhaps the most crucial role was that of Andy Wnek, Chief Information Officer/Chief Financial Officer. Wnek led the strategic plan in 2002 (and going forward) to develop the first IT strategy document in many years. Michael Eubanks was hired as Director of Marketing IT which came with the responsibility of creatively partnering more with Canadian Tire Retail. Bridget Martens was assigned as Business Intelligence Manager in early 2003. She was given the responsibility of coordinating the business intelligence program as it began. These individuals played key roles in the development of the business intelligence initiative at Canadian Tire Corporation. The implementation of a data warehouse involved laying out a vision to be â€Å"an agile IT team, aligned to business priorities, operating a simpler technical environment with the appropriate standardized processes† (Haggerty, 2003). In order to achieve this vision, many requirements were necessary to move forward. First of all, Canadian Tire Retail’s image had historically reflected that of a wholesaler, and the IT group had the challenge of changing this image to that of a retailer, rather than a wholesaler. In order to do this, the team realized that more data was necessary in order to analyze data as a retailer. They were required to look at data on a more analytical basis, analyzing the product, store, and margin trends (Haggerty, 2003). In order to do this, the IT group built the IW in which data was extracted, transformed, and loaded from a variety of sources. This was the essence of building the data warehouse: to consolidate the date into one main system where the information could be analyzed to help form critical business decisions. Additionally, three imperative requirements were identified during the IT strategy 2003. These included the requirements of: becoming better aligned to the business to support strategic and operational priorities and adaptability to changing business priorities, controlling costs through simplifying the technical architecture, improving productivity, and controlling expenses, and implementing governance of IT resources including standardization, risk management, and MODULE 2: COURSE PROJECT BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS 4 developing/implementing sustainable processes. The requirements laid out in this vision actually prompted the development of four programs from the periods of 2003 to 2005. The first program involved implementing a CIO governance program. The second program, provided â€Å"organizational and people capabilities† (Haggerty, 2003) and specified key services that the IT group would need to be able to support to the organization. The third involved process improvements which helped to organize an annual IT strategy planning process. The fourth program involved technological direction which â€Å"laid the foundation for re-architecting the organization† (Haggerty, 2003). The areas of business intelligence and data management, application deployment, integration and messaging, standardization and simplification, and security deployment were five areas that required immediate attention. For this reason, these areas also serve as requirements for the data warehouse and business intelligence initiatives to take place. Canadian Tire Corporation is an example of a company in distress whose current architecture and infrastructures did not suffice for longevity and success. The case study further details the journey of CTC, along with its web of networked businesses, as it attempted to change business strategy in an effort to create a more enhanced system of data warehousing and business intelligence. MODULE 2: COURSE PROJECT BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS 5 References Haggerty, N. & Meister, D. (2003). Business Intelligence Strategy at Canadian Tire [Case Study]. Ivey Management Services.

Hyten Corporation Essay

Abstract: The structure of this assignment is such that the questions are not just answered directly but that there is a discussion of general premises by the author prior to confronting the complexities of systems re-engineering. The reader is given a few short philosophical insights into the author’s assumption in the â€Å"preferred method† of such organisational change. It is the focus of this assignment to impart how the organisational change will lead to the organisations culture changing. In the second question which is what is to be done to solve the problems and priority I have referred to the problem statements in the first question per number in the first question and then rated them in priority. The author has chosen this method of answering for the sake of continuity and ease of reading. General Discussion:Prior to answering the questions posed in this case study the point of departure will be discussed. Change is ongoing in any organisation and this is to be a managed process. The need for change should be clarified and has to be analysed, the new goal clearly laid out, the change effected and then the whole change measured against the goals initially stated. Then one can see if a new change or further change is necessary. These processes are laid out in Dr. E. Goldratt’s book the Critical Chain as The Theory of constraints. Harvard Professor J.Cotter outlines 8 steps to bridge the change gap. These steps as shown in the following illustration bridge the gap between the current state and the desired state. As in Cotters first step the managers of the company under discussion in the case study are indeed ready to be convinced that current methods are not working effectively and efficiently. The critical mass has been achieved within HYTEN to effect the necessary change. Within HYTEN the emphasis in leading the change should be on the premise that  humans have natural in born strengths and will execute and implement things in a fashion that allows them to express this natural style. The best that managers can do is to take cognisance of this strength and play on those strengths in the individual. To take this assumption a step further in proposing the hypothesis that certain environments and cultural backgrounds assist individuals to develop certain skills. HYTEN has already shown the ability in its past to adapt to changing macro economic climate when it re-tooled and changed production after the first Gulf war. This was very successful in the longer term. This is a positive indication that human resources will change without too much disruption to productivityQuestion 1:Problems1.The company uses an informal project management model and the manner in which new projects are tackled is not as orderly as it could be. (In the complex environment of tight schedules and multi-disciplinary teams the carefully documented and well managed project will mean that ambiguities and duplications will be greatly reduced. The project manager must provided the adhesive force for this team.)†¢This is an architectural problem2.The company has been very successful and managers have been promoted swiftly hence, this relatively young company grew up around the managers. (This has had a positive effect in as much as the managers have become senior manag ers relatively quickly but has also meant that the managers have become complacent and secure in their environment. There also has been no introduction of new blood into the senior management and thus this inbreeding has the effect that cross-pollination with other companies is not happening.)†¢This is a behavioural problem3.The managers for their part are relatively well educated but seem to have become complacent, they have stagnated and failed to study further and thus have not been exposed to some of the newer methods of business structuring/management. The focus of these managers seems to be on technology. (The focus on technology for technology’s sake is not a good thing. In this type of industry it is understandable that managers get caught up in the core function of the business. But the managers can not neglect studies in other fields or fail to focus on neglected areas)†¢This is a behavioural problem4.The business development unit is seemingly ineffectual. The comment that they appear to  be fixing the areas which are not broken seems indicative of the errors they are making. (The business development unit is seemingly not focusing on their core function and is neglecting key performance areas. They are not promoting the efficient running of projects and internal policies. In fact they are having the worst possible effect on the company image by making promises that are unachievable and unrealistic.)†¢This is a behavioural problem5.†The customer has little control over funding, manpower or work done.† This on its own is an over sight as the customer is king. He is the sponsor and as such should demand that the resources and work should follow the projects need as both resource demand and funding are provided by him. This will mean that the production will be a push type and not a pull type.(No further comment or explanation needed here) This is a behavioural problem (Perhaps stemming from the fact that HYTEN was used to â€Å"bit work† for the military.)6.Marketing and sales do not have a say as to what projects will fly and what won’t. (This seems strange as these are the very persons that have front line contact with customers and potential customers and they may see the demand for a particular product.) †¢This is both an architectural and a behavioural problem7.The fact that the authority, role and function of the business development department has gradually expanded means that there are no clear definitions or mandates given to these important project managers. That a charter has not been set up is an indication that senior managers lack the will to tackle functional managers. †¢This is an architectural problem8.No design freeze on products. (This can be very trying for production)†¢This will cause operational problems but the cause is behavioural9.Production items not 100% are being reworked and there seem to be many no-go products being reworked to the determent of products in the system for the first time. (Dr. E Goldratt’s Theory of constraints)†¢This is an operational problem10.There seems to be a big emphasis on the project manager being technically competent and having intrinsic knowledge of technical detail. The other characteristics that are high on the agenda are work assessments of individuals taking part in the project. †¢This is a behavioural problem11.The HR manager is very concerned that the  performance of individuals is correctly captured between the functional manager and the project manager. Sometimes a manager can get a gut feeling about an employee and not be able to document the actual capacity of that individual fully. †¢This is an architectural problem12.The cited problem of an employee at another company not gettting an increase in line with work carried out or that this employee was functioning at a higher level than for which he was employed initially are smoke screens for a basically unsound opportunity and promotion policy at that company and can be avoided by installing proper policies. (Dearth of promotion and training policies) (Quite poignant that the one vocalising these words is the very person who should have the answers. )†¢This is a behavioural problem13.Harold Grimes the plant manager vocalises that internal personnel should be promote to the position of project manager for this new big project as they will have insider knowledge, this is not an on going item like production and as such is a once off situation. His assertions may lead to great unhappiness of the individual placed in such positions. †¢This is not a problem yet as this has not happened but predictions are that this will become a problem in a few years time should this course of action be followed. 14.Herman Hall the I.S. Manager thinks only in terms of what computer package is needed for reporting.( The throwing of software solutions at system problems is very common as the managers attempt to avoid real issues and substitute/relegate control to software.)†¢This is a behavioural problem15.The adaptability of the IS department is very poor as they don’t even consider â€Å"of the shelf solutions† or outsourcing assistance. †¢This is a behavioural problem16.Bub Gustwell Scheduling director for all his good sentiments sees the project management way of managing purely as a vehicle to better schedules. †¢This is a behavioural problemSummaryThe tally of current problems is 15 (One  is a potential future problem) this is not the full tally of all the problems or permutations of problems but the major problems have been highlighted. The score is as follows:Behavioural problems10 1/2Architectural problems 3  ½Operational problems1As is evident from the graphic above the overwhelming problems of HYTEN are behavioural. Having said this the corporation is very successful in a competitive environment. The number of changes are relatively few if one considers the size and extent of the organisation. Question 21-The company not formalising the project management approach is one of the root causes for many of the other ailments, this needs to be addressed as follows:†¢Project charter established for each project†¢Standing of both project managers and functional managers to be clearly laid out†¢All staff working on projects should be briefed on the role that they are to play and duration of their service on that project†¢An exit strategy defined up fount2-The successes of the company and the long serving senior managers: Remedial action to the stagnation of the senior managers could be as follows:†¢Training of existing managers in up-to-date business methods †¢The implementation of a succession policy†¢The introduction of some new managers from other companies†¢Employment of consultants/specialists to re-engineer the corporation3-The failure of managers to keep up to date with studies: This was given a passing mention in bullet point 2†¢Studies in relevant fields other than technology could be arranged by the corporation†¢ Workshops on emergent business methods should be held†¢Subscriptions to relevant business and technology periodicals should be procured for all senior managers and a rotational roster of such periodicals for more junior manages and staff. †¢Establishment of a news server in house where matters can be discussed e.g. troubleshooting, innovations etc.. 4-Ineffectual business unit:†¢The whole business unit needs to scrutinised as to function, this may be outsourced†¢This unit needs to revert to the core function as it has drifted5-The control that customer has over funding and  resources: This needs evaluation and through consultation with stake holders a new level of customer involvement can be reached. The recommendation is that a customer evaluation program be started and that the areas indicated by the customer as high priority be addressed. Not to pre-empt such a program the corporation needs to open communications channels with the client and actively market a positive image to off set the negative one. 6-Marketing and sales not having a say: This ties in with bullet 5 and the marketing and sales should be found to be repeating what the customer is saying. It is not so much a matter that the sales or marketing is not being hear but that the customer is not been heard. Once the customer evaluation of the company is complete the results must be implemented. There after the evaluation forms should be issued with each customer transaction. 7-Expansion of the business development unit:†¢This matter was touched on in bullet 4 with a recommendation that this function be outsourced once it is clearly defined within the corporate structure†¢The right sizing of this department is a second option to outsourcing†¢The outsourced business development unit should be given measurable objectives and clear brief8-Design freeze of products: The fact that there are constant changes in design is a clear indicator that the customer and stake holders are not involved and are not articulating their needs †¢Once better lines of communication have been established with stakeholders design will be reached by consensus, expensive re-tooling for design change will be greatly reduced9-Rework of unsatisfactory items:†¢This can be reduced by continuous quality control. In other words the point of manufacture must be the quality controller thus work pieces would not have to counter-flow to the production line and rework would be immediate†¢Dr. E. Goldratt proposed the critical chain theory where the weakest segment of the chain is targeted and improved this is then repeated till the system is running optimally10-The emphasis on the technically competent project manager: This is just plane nonsense as the team is made up of multi-disciplinary specialists. The only step needed here is to clarify this in the project charter. 11-Concern that staff are to be graded by two managers: On the whole a poor  employee will be seen as such by both managers. The converse being true as well. Having stated this it should be easy enough for each manager to rate the employee and an aggregate be awarded between the two managers on the Key performance areas and the various related weighting for those areas12- Employees not getting equitable increases between plants:†¢This is as described in bullet 11 – The job evaluations and job weighting systems must be overhauled then the system of KPS and weighing need to be put into practice to assess which team is the most productive. It is flawed to award employees differing increases within a work unit. Best practice is the fixed bonus system were there is no separation between rank or individual13-The promotion of only internal staff due to insider knowledge: This is not a problem as yet but may become a problem in future as it may cause a situation of inbreeding. This situation can be remedied easy by correcting the perception early14-The computer package which is the universal panacea:†¢This is yet again a perception that must be corrected early. As any package must follow the real world model and as such the real world model must work first. †¢The systems approach is governed by policies and methods these must be implemented fully and not be sitting on a disused shelf. 15-The adaptability of the IS department:†¢The IS department must be told to evaluate off-the-shelf solutions before considering other alternatives†¢The IS department must ensure that options for roll out of new solutions consider the possibility of out-sourcing16-The perception of persons that project management is only schedules:†¢The only way to change this perception is through educationPrioritization of remedial action and problemsThe first priority is to change the current state of the senior manager studies, once these key persons change their outlook and approach bullet point 3, 2, 5, 6 and 16 will be resolved. The education of managers to a new business approach can not be under stated as they will see the need for customer involvement and even community involvement, the balanced score card will become an intrigue business tool. The changing of the business culture will be then a natural and easy process. The managers will be secure in their positions and will not feel threatened by the change, in fact they will see  the rewards and start to implement the change from within. Second priority is formalisation and implementation of the various company policies which impact on the individuals and structures within the corporation. This must be done in conjunction with the shared vision of HYTEN corp. and thus the corporate strategy will be defined in the process. These are the policies which affect:1-Staffing pay progression and bonuses2-Formalisation and introduction of project management and project charters3-The scope and powers of the business unitsThe systems approach to the documentation and formalisation of the policies and strategic goals will remediate the ills in bullet points 1, 4, 11, 12 and 14Third priority is the resolution of the functional issues such as reworked items, design freeze and others. These issues are of minor concern in relation to the other items which cut right to the core of the problems. The bullet points 8 and 9 are addressed in this priority. The remaining bullet points not dealt with are not preserved to be priority issues but never the less should be dealt with as a matter of course in the manner laid out in the bullet points above. Some are misconceptions others are a lack of insight thus need to be quickly remedied. 4-ConclusionThe over view of this company is that it is in good condition currently but will not stay in that shape if it doesn’t continue to evolve. Many of the points raised as problems are inter-related; this is highlighted throughout the bulleted points. Intervention in some areas will have to be great will in others it is minimal. The one overarching factor needing change is the ongoing education of senior managers. This company is ripe for change and has many eager young individuals who need development. The Policies are basically sound but need to be revisited both for updating content and implementation. If the changes are implemented HYTEN Corp. will go from strength to strength. Bibliography: †¢15th March 2006, The Eight-stage Management Process of Major Change †¢Program Managing Organizational Transformation, Change and Performance Improvement. Prof. Pieter Steyn and Erik Schmikl†¢The Critical Chain, Dr. E. Goldratt 2nd edition

Friday, November 8, 2019

Coastal erosion essays

Coastal erosion essays For many decades the approach to rapid coastal erosion was to build up sea defences, to try and slow down or even stop the erosion. Initially the attempts were thought a success, however after some years it was realised that the power of the sea and waves could overcome human attempts. Only could protection be a success if huge costs were going to be involved. Many methods around the British Isles have taken place in he last 50 years with many failures occurring. It is very rare to find a coastline that shows a decrease in the rate of erosion over many years after defences are in place. In fact in places the defences seem to have speeded up the erosion process. Coastal erosion is a natural process of erosion, transportation and deposition, interfering with this balance could be to blame for the rise in erosion on the coasts of some areas. Groynes have been built out to sea in many areas of the British coastline. Their aim is to trap material and thus slow down the rate of longshore drift. However, these groynes in some areas are been blamed for the rise in erosion rates further down the coast. On the Holderness coastline in Humberside, erosion is taking place at a rate of about 2 metres per year. Along this coast there is a strong action of longshore drift taking place, which over centuries has produced a spit to form on the southern tip of Holderness, called Spurn Head spit. The spit is over 4km long and 100 metres wide. The majority of this coastline is glacial till, a soft fragile material, which is easily eroded. This however is not thought of as the only reason for the rapid rates of erosion. Human interference is thought to be another cause, as a result of the sea defences put in place. A rock groyne was built at Mappleton, to create a wider beach. This in turn would help protect the coastline, by absorbing the wave energy. Then at Withernsea a concrete sea wall with a splashback and boulder rip-rap in front of it was creat...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Paramagnetism Definition and Examples

Paramagnetism Definition and Examples Paramagnetism refers to a property of certain materials that are weakly attracted to magnetic fields. When exposed to an external magnetic field, internal induced magnetic fields form in these materials that are ordered in the same direction as the applied field. Once the applied field is removed, the materials lose their magnetism as thermal motion randomizes the electron spin orientations. Materials that display paramagnetism are called paramagnetic. Some compounds and most chemical elements are paramagnetic under certain circumstances. However, true paramagnets display magnetic susceptibility according to the Curie or Curies of paramagnets include the coordination complex myoglobin, transition metal complexes, iron oxide (FeO), and oxygen (O2). Titanium and aluminum are metallic elements that are paramagnetic. Superparamagnets are materials that show a net paramagnetic response, yet display ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic ordering at the microscopic level. These materials adhere to the Curie law, yet have very large Curie constants. Ferrofluids are an example of superparamagnets. Solid superparamagnets are also known as mictomagnets. The alloy AuFe (gold-iron) is an example of a mictomagnet. The ferromagnetically coupled clusters in the alloy freeze below a certain temperature. How Paramagnetism Works Paramagnetism results from the presence of least one unpaired electron spin in a materials atoms or molecules. In other words, any material that possesses atoms with incompletely filled atomic orbitals is paramagnetic. The spin of the unpaired electrons gives them a magnetic dipole moment. Basically, each unpaired electron acts as a tiny magnet within the material. When an external magnetic field is applied, the spin of the electrons aligns with the field. Because all the unpaired electrons align the same way, the material is attracted to the field. When the external field is removed, the spins return to their randomized orientations. The magnetization approximately follows Curies law, which states that the magnetic susceptibility χ is inversely proportional to temperature: M χH CH/T where M is magnetization, χ is magnetic susceptibility, H is the auxiliary magnetic field, T is the absolute (Kelvin) temperature, and C is the material-specific Curie constant. Types of Magnetism Magnetic materials may be identified as belonging to one of four categories: ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, diamagnetism, and antiferromagnetism. The strongest form of magnetism is ferromagnetism. Ferromagnetic materials exhibit a magnetic attraction that is strong enough to be felt. Ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials may remain magnetized over time. Common iron-based magnets and rare earth magnets display ferromagnetism. In contrast to ferromagnetism, the forces of paramagnetism, diamagnetism, and antiferromagnetism are weak. In antiferromagnetism, the magnetic moments of molecules or atoms align in a pattern in which neighbor electron spins point in opposite directions, but the magnetic ordering vanishes above a certain temperature. Paramagnetic materials are weakly attracted to a magnetic field. Antiferromagnetic materials become paramagnetic above a certain temperature. Diamagnetic materials are weakly repelled by magnetic fields. All materials are diamagnetic, but a substance isnt usually labeled diamagnetic unless the other forms of magnetism are absent. Bismuth and antimony are examples of diamagnets.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Ceremony

The Ceremony by Silko The Truth In Our Lives Everybody goes through times/pressures in life where we are trapped in a phase where all our thoughts are but a blur. We are â€Å"confused† and uncertain of what to do, what to believe, what to think, etc.... Then we suddenly stop and ask ourselves, ‘Wait! What is the truth What is the right thing to do?’ The real deal is that life, as it is, is already a confusing piece of art. Why stress ourselves out with more things to think about? Why not just let ourselves go, fly high and live free with imagination and the ability to think whatever no matter if it is in wrong or right. In the book, Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, the author expresses his point by saying that everybody goes through they same processes in life. Everybody comes to self knowledge by tasting everything that is given to them and figuring the truth behind it. Not everyone has the same truths, we find our own. Throughout this book, Antonio is confused with who the real â€Å"God† in his life is. By figuring out who the real God is, I think that he thinks he can figure out his destiny. A real God is not all he’s looking for in life, but he is looking for a deeper meaning...something beyond life itself. Antonio is searching for something that would make sense to him because nothing seems clear to him. Tony’s looking for God is a way of looking for himself and finding himself. The pressure to see God a certain way expresses his need to destine himself to find a meaning - a meaning in life, a meaning to anything that gives him strength in his soul. We dream to explore - we grow to find our own truths. Antonio confuses himself with who to believe in because he is told all these different stories and such. The story of the Golden Carp felt enchanting to Tony. He felt as if it was something magical that was so rare that it was unbelievable. â€Å" I knew I had witnessed a miraculous thing, t... Free Essays on The Ceremony Free Essays on The Ceremony The Ceremony by Silko The Truth In Our Lives Everybody goes through times/pressures in life where we are trapped in a phase where all our thoughts are but a blur. We are â€Å"confused† and uncertain of what to do, what to believe, what to think, etc.... Then we suddenly stop and ask ourselves, ‘Wait! What is the truth What is the right thing to do?’ The real deal is that life, as it is, is already a confusing piece of art. Why stress ourselves out with more things to think about? Why not just let ourselves go, fly high and live free with imagination and the ability to think whatever no matter if it is in wrong or right. In the book, Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, the author expresses his point by saying that everybody goes through they same processes in life. Everybody comes to self knowledge by tasting everything that is given to them and figuring the truth behind it. Not everyone has the same truths, we find our own. Throughout this book, Antonio is confused with who the real â€Å"God† in his life is. By figuring out who the real God is, I think that he thinks he can figure out his destiny. A real God is not all he’s looking for in life, but he is looking for a deeper meaning...something beyond life itself. Antonio is searching for something that would make sense to him because nothing seems clear to him. Tony’s looking for God is a way of looking for himself and finding himself. The pressure to see God a certain way expresses his need to destine himself to find a meaning - a meaning in life, a meaning to anything that gives him strength in his soul. We dream to explore - we grow to find our own truths. Antonio confuses himself with who to believe in because he is told all these different stories and such. The story of the Golden Carp felt enchanting to Tony. He felt as if it was something magical that was so rare that it was unbelievable. â€Å" I knew I had witnessed a miraculous thing, t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Value and Valor

Value and Valor Value and Valor Value and Valor By Mark Nichol Words pertaining to worth and worthiness that are based on the syllable val or a similar letter combination are related. This post lists and defines the words in this group. The Latin verb valere, meaning â€Å"be strong† or â€Å"be well,† was extended in meaning to refer to worth, in both practical and aesthetic terms. Valor, which originally meant â€Å"courage,† â€Å"merit,† or â€Å"virtue† but now generally retains only the first sense, is derived from the Latin word. Valiance, a synonym for valor, is rare, but the adjectival form, valiant, meaning â€Å"brave,† is more common. Valid, meanwhile, originated in legal contexts to refer to what is legally binding, but by extension, it came to mean â€Å"supported by authority or facts.† (The noun form is validity.) Value, meaning â€Å"price† or â€Å"degree of esteem or usefulness,† is also a verb, and another noun form, valuation, pertains to the act or process of appraising financial worth, as well as judgment of character or worth or measure of market value. Evaluation, however, refers more broadly to measure of something’s financial value or of condition or significance; more recently, it has also come to pertain to a review of job performance. Less obviously related words include the verb avail, meaning â€Å"benefit† or â€Å"help,† or â€Å"gain† or â€Å"serve.† It also functions as a noun in such expressions as â€Å"to little avail† or â€Å"to no avail,† meaning â€Å"help† or use†; the adjectival form, available, means â€Å"accessible,† â€Å"present,† or â€Å"ready,† or â€Å"qualified† or â€Å"willing.† (The noun form is availability.) Others include prevail, meaning â€Å"be successful,† and its adjectival form, prevalent, which means â€Å"common† or â€Å"dominant.† Countervail, meanwhile, means â€Å"compensate† or â€Å"counteract.† Valence, a term for the amount of power of an atom or a unit of such strength, or for capacity to perform or degree of attractiveness, is generally confined to medical and scientific contexts, but it is the basis of ambivalence and equivalence, both of which have adjectival forms in which a t replaces the last two letters. The former word was coined by a psychologist on the model of the latter term to refer to conflicted feelings but soon took on a broader meaning; equivalence itself means â€Å"correspondence of characteristics.† Valedictorian and valetudinarian, though both derived from valere, are not to be confused. The former word describes the person who provides the valediction, a farewell speech at an event such as a graduation ceremony. (The first element stems from the Latin word for â€Å"farewell,† which literally means â€Å"be well† or â€Å"be strong.†) Valetudinarian, meanwhile, describes a hypochondriac or a sickly or weak person; the word also functions as an adjective, though valetudinary is also used. Meanwhile, the verb convalesce (the adjectival and noun forms are convalescent and convalescence) is antithetical to both senses of valetudinarian; it means â€Å"become healthier or stronger.† The feminine French name Valerie, and its variously spelled masculine Slavic equivalents, are cognate with valere. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a UK Business Letter50 Diminutive Suffixes (and a Cute Little Prefix)25 Idioms About Bread and Dessert

Monday, November 4, 2019

Post 16 Education in the United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Post 16 Education in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Simultaneously, the organizational structure of the post 16 education is rather complex and can be delivered through several different means: (Lea, 2003) According to Walkin (2000), 'young adults must realize their full potential as active and effective members of society at large, and at all kinds of public and voluntary bodies, thus it is the state responsibility to provide the necessary models for young adults' action and participation'. To follow this task and to provide effective and efficient post 16 education, there has been developed a national and local system of post 16 educational establishments. On the national level, the main organization responsible for the post 16 education is the national Learning and Skills Council. Its main responsibilities lie in 'funding and planning education and training for over 16-year-olds in England'. (Learning and Skills Council, 2003) The strategic aim of the organization is to give the young 16-year-old adults in England the best skills for further education and work in the world. The work of the LSC is made more efficient through the well developed operating structure, which has its offices in 47 local areas. The LSC is not responsible for the post 16 education in the Universities. ... prise Councils and the knowledge of the Further Education Funding Council, together with making the cooperation with employers, community groups and learning providers closer and more effective. From the critical viewpoint, the LSC should be also involved into the area of University education for 16-year-old, as the centralization of functions will bring the desired high control over the whole system of post-16 education and the realization of the most urgent needs and means of achieving the strategic goals. The LSC is divided into the four different groups which are learning, skills, resources and strategy and communications. The 47 local offices represent the local structure responsible for the post 16 education, together with the following local institutions, being integral of the state educational system in the country. Sixth Form Colleges There are 103 sixth form colleges in England, some of them are related to secondary schools, and some are absolutely independent. To make the organizational structure close to perfect, in some local areas all post 16 provisions, related to different secondary schools, have been merged into one local college. These kinds of colleges usually offer wider ranges of options and curriculums for the students, than it is in usual secondary schools during the two last years of education. (Huddleston, 1997) Further education colleges The main similarity of the further education colleges and the sixth form colleges lies in the fact that they provide programs, which are much alike, but in addition also offer a range of vocational training programs and opportunities for their students. The critical role of these entities is in attracting students from secondary schools, who didn't wish to continue their study in the same environment and

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Theory of Ideology and Children's Drawings Assignment

The Theory of Ideology and Children's Drawings - Assignment Example Visual culture in the modern world has an immense capacity to influence children’s thinking (Duncum, 2001; Freedman, 2003; Kindler, 2003; Smith-Shank, 2002; Tavin, 2003; Wilson, 2003a). This is particularly true in terms of how they incorporate and integrate surrounding images and signs. Althussers formulation of interpellation has been essential to scholars of the post-structuralist era (Bateman, 2011), particularly for the investigation of image and meaning in visual culture studies. This investigative approach to children’s drawings in relation to art education illuminates the influence of children’s surroundings in modern life. The concept of interpellation was adapted to such uses by theorists of politics and media in the 1970s (Sturken & Cartwright, 2009). Below, I examine the ideas of French Marxist Louis Althusser, employing his concepts of interpellation and ideology to analyze how the drawings of young people are shaped by the visual culture around them. Such an exercise will demonstrate how visual culture shapes all of us. Children are products of their world, and the world in which they develop has a vested interest in ensuring that they conceive of their environment in certain ways. The power of the structures of visual culture needs to be clear and persistently justified by those in power. If the semiotics of visual culture functions as the elites desire them to function, children will see and render the world in ways others desire. However, one must bear in mind that a strictly structuralist view of Marxism, as well as a strictly structuralist reading of the theory of interpellation, fails to appreciate the role of human agency in shaping individual sensibilities. In short, while visual culture can be powerful, children’s drawings can rebel against received semiotics or the contrivances of the interpellative efforts of the state apparatus. As such, I

Friday, November 1, 2019

News Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

News Assignment - Essay Example highlight his innovative leadership traits, paving the way to his appointment to the rank of the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (Beltran, 2009). Story on the appointment of Charles Beck can not be completed without conducting an interview with the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, who made the selection of Beck very judiciously. He will be inquired on his selection parameters while consulting various stakeholders of the Los Angeles society, including business, religious and community leaders who offered the Mayor their recommendations to select Beck as the next Police Chief, as the various communities in LA expected in their next Chief of Police. His discussion with high profile dignitaries will form part of the interview for the critical inputs given by them to justify the name of Beck to the highest post of LA Police Department (Beltran, 2009). Reading the message of Beck about three years later on the overall situation of LA, one feels satisfied that the Mayor has selected a right person to the highest post of the Police Department (Beck, 2012). Ewton, Z. (2007, Apr 14). How to write a news lead: craft a lead that will hook readers and wont let go. Yahoo! Contributor Network. Retrieved from